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Legacy snapshot configuration legacy

You can configure snapshots using jinja blocks in your .sql files, which is considered legacy syntax. In dbt v1.9, this syntax was replaced with a YAML-based configuration in dbt Cloud's "Latest" release track.

However, there are situations where you might still need to use the legacy syntax for snapshots in any dbt version or release track. This page details how you can use the legacy SQL-based configurations if you need to.

For new snapshots, we recommend using these latest YAML-based configs. If you'd like to move to the YAML-based configuration for existing snapshots, you can migrate over.

The following outlines the differences between the legacy SQL-based syntax and the updated YAML-based syntax:

 SQL-based snapshot syntax
 YAML-based snapshot syntax

Snapshot configurations

Although you can use the more performant YAML-based configuration, you might still want to use the legacy configuration to define your snapshots if it suits your needs.

Snapshots can be configured in two main ways:

These configurations allow you to control how dbt detects changes in your data and where snapshots are stored. Both types of configurations can coexist in your project in the same config block (or from your dbt_project.yml file or properties.yaml file). You can also configure snapshots using strategies, which define how dbt knows if a row has changed.

Snapshot specific configurations

Snapshot-specific configurations are applicable to only one dbt resource type rather than multiple resource types. You can define these settings within the resource’s file using the {{ config() }} macro (as well as in the project file (dbt_project.yml) or a property file (models/properties.yml for models, similarly for other resources)).

{ % snapshot orders_snapshot %}

{{ config(
strategy="timestamp" | "check",
check_cols=["<column_name>"] | "all"
invalidate_hard_deletes : true | false

select * from {{ source('jaffle_shop', 'orders') }}

{% endsnapshot %}

General configuration

Use general configurations for broader operational settings applicable across multiple resource types. Like resource-specific configurations, these can also be set in the project file, property files, or within resource-specific files using a config block.

{{ config(
enabled=true | false,
tags="<string>" | ["<string>"],
pre_hook="<sql-statement>" | ["<sql-statement>"],
post_hook="<sql-statement>" | ["<sql-statement>"]
) }}

Snapshot strategies

Snapshot "strategies" define how dbt knows if a row has changed. There are two strategies built-in to dbt that require the strategy parameter:

  • Timestamp — Uses an updated_at column to determine if a row has changed.
  • Check — Compares a list of columns between their current and historical values to determine if a row has changed. Uses the check_cols parameter.

The timestamp strategy uses an updated_at field to determine if a row has changed. If the configured updated_at column for a row is more recent than the last time the snapshot ran, then dbt will invalidate the old record and record the new one. If the timestamps are unchanged, then dbt will not take any action.


{% snapshot orders_snapshot_timestamp %}


select * from {{ source('jaffle_shop', 'orders') }}

{% endsnapshot %}

Configure snapshots

In dbt versions 1.8 and earlier, snapshots are select statements, defined within a snapshot block in a .sql file (typically in your snapshots directory or any other directory). You'll also need to configure your snapshot to tell dbt how to detect record changes.

The following table outlines the configurations available for snapshots in versions 1.8 and earlier:

target_databaseThe database that dbt should render the snapshot table intoNoanalytics
target_schemaThe schema that dbt should render the snapshot table intoYessnapshots
strategyThe snapshot strategy to use. One of timestamp or checkYestimestamp
unique_keyA primary key column or expression for the recordYesid
check_colsIf using the check strategy, then the columns to checkOnly if using the check strategy["status"]
updated_atIf using the timestamp strategy, the timestamp column to compareOnly if using the timestamp strategyupdated_at
invalidate_hard_deletesFind hard deleted records in source, and set dbt_valid_to current time if no longer existsNoTrue
  • A number of other configurations are also supported (like, tags and post-hook), check out the full list here.
  • Snapshots can be configured from both your dbt_project.yml file and a config block, check out the configuration docs for more information.
  • Note: BigQuery users can use target_project and target_dataset as aliases for target_database and target_schema, respectively.

Add snapshot to a project

To add a snapshot to your project:

  1. Create a file in your snapshots directory with a .sql file extension. For example,snapshots/orders.sql
  2. Use a snapshot block to define the start and end of a snapshot:
{% snapshot orders_snapshot %}

{% endsnapshot %}
  1. Write a select statement within the snapshot block (tips for writing a good snapshot query are below). This select statement defines the results that you want to snapshot over time. You can use sources or refs here.
{% snapshot orders_snapshot %}

select * from {{ source('jaffle_shop', 'orders') }}

{% endsnapshot %}
  1. Check whether the result set of your query includes a reliable timestamp column that indicates when a record was last updated. For our example, the updated_at column reliably indicates record changes, so we can use the timestamp strategy. If your query result set does not have a reliable timestamp, you'll need to instead use the check strategy — more details on this in the next step.

  2. Add configurations to your snapshot using a config block. You can also configure your snapshot from your dbt_project.yml file (docs).

{% snapshot orders_snapshot %}



select * from {{ source('jaffle_shop', 'orders') }}

{% endsnapshot %}
  1. Run the dbt snapshot command. For our example, a new table will be created at analytics.snapshots.orders_snapshot. You can change the target_database configuration, the target_schema configuration and the name of the snapshot (as defined in {% snapshot .. %}) will change how dbt names this table.
dbt snapshot
Running with dbt=1.8.0

15:07:36 | Concurrency: 8 threads (target='dev')
15:07:36 |
15:07:36 | 1 of 1 START snapshot snapshots.orders_snapshot...... [RUN]
15:07:36 | 1 of 1 OK snapshot snapshots.orders_snapshot..........[SELECT 3 in 1.82s]
15:07:36 |
15:07:36 | Finished running 1 snapshots in 0.68s.

Completed successfully

  1. Inspect the results by selecting from the table dbt created. After the first run, you should see the results of your query, plus the snapshot meta fields as described earlier.

  2. Run the dbt snapshot command again, and inspect the results. If any records have been updated, the snapshot should reflect this.

  3. Select from the snapshot in downstream models using the ref function.

select * from {{ ref('orders_snapshot') }}
  1. Snapshots are only useful if you run them frequently — schedule the snapshot command to run regularly.


This section outlines some examples of how to apply configurations to snapshots using the legacy method.

 Apply configurations to one snapshot only
 Using the updated_at parameter
 Using the unique_key parameter

Migrate legacy snapshot configs

This section outlines the steps you need to follow to migrate legacy jinja block snapshot configurations into the updated YAML-based configuration format.

Why use the updated YAML spec?

  • YAML-based configurations are processed faster by dbt, leading to improved performance, especially during parsing and compilation.
  • Centralizing configuration in YAML makes it easier to manage and update snapshot settings without editing the SQL logic directly.
  • YAML configuration aligns snapshot definitions with other dbt resources, such as models and seeds, leading to a more consistent project structure.


  • In versions prior to v1.9, the target_schema (required) and target_database (optional) configurations defined a single schema or database to build a snapshot across users and environment. This created problems when testing or developing a snapshot, as there was no clear separation between development and production environments.
  • In v1.9, target_schema became optional, allowing snapshots to be environment-aware.
  • By default, without target_schema or target_database defined, snapshots now use the generate_schema_name or generate_database_name macros to determine where to build.
  • Developers can still set a custom location with schema and database configs, consistent with other resource types.

How to migrate

The latest YAML-based configuration syntax is best suited for new snapshots. If you're migrating existing snapshots, consider the following steps:

  1. Migrate the previous snapshot to the new table schema and values.

    • Create a backup copy of your snapshots.
    • Use alter statements as needed (or a script to apply alter statements) to ensure table consistency.
  2. Convert any configurations currently written within the jinja block (like unique_key, strategy, updated_at, and so on) into the YAML file structure, one at a time and testing as you go.

    The configurations are structured similarly to how you would define a model in dbt_project.yml.:

    - name: orders_snapshot
    schema: snapshots
    unique_key: id
    strategy: timestamp
    updated_at: updated_at

    Note: The unique_key, strategy, and updated_at fields must match the settings previously defined in your jinja block.

  3. Before removing the old jinja block, run the dbt snapshot command using the new YAML configuration to confirm that the snapshot behaves as expected.

    • Verify that the data is processed correctly (for example, no data loss or incorrect records).
    • Make sure the performance is either the same or improved compared to the old configuration.
    • After running the new snapshot, inspect the snapshot tables in your data warehouse to confirm the new snapshot records match the old data.
  4. Once you’ve confirmed that the new YAML configuration works properly, safely remove the old snapshot jinja block from your .sql file. This keeps your codebase clean and fully migrated to the new method.

  5. If your snapshots require more complex transformations, consider using an ephemeral model to handle the transformations before referencing it in the snapshot. An ephemeral model can encapsulate transformations and simplify the snapshot query itself.

    Example of using an ephemeral model:

    select * from {{ source('jaffle_shop', 'orders') }}

    Example of the snapshot YAML configuration referencing the ephemeral model:

    - name: orders_snapshot
    relation: ref('orders_ephemeral')
    target_schema: snapshots
    unique_key: id
    strategy: timestamp
    updated_at: updated_at

Full migration example

Here’s a complete example of migrating from a legacy jinja block snapshot to a YAML-based snapshot configuration:

Legacy method (jinja block)

{% snapshot orders_snapshot %}
select * from {{ source('jaffle_shop', 'orders') }}
{% endsnapshot %}
- name: orders_snapshot
schema: snapshots
unique_key: id
strategy: timestamp
updated_at: updated_at

By following these steps, you can smoothly transition from legacy jinja-based snapshots to the modern, more efficient YAML-based configurations.